Today, Monday July 7th, we went to Sagbayan Elementary School. At this school we did the normal routine of games, crafts, dramas and balloon animals. This is one school, where it is evident the students were impacted last year. They look into the bus windows upon our arrival, and before we can even open the door they are signing our names. Just to see a group of students look at me, widen their eyes and start signing my name sign.... makes my heart melt for them. It was a fun day as we were able to perform our dramas not only for those 40 Deaf students but as well as for the entire school. Then
as the dramas are over and we've said our final prayer for them, the stage is overwhelmed with all the hearing students. They want our autograph. Every year they do this, it's so funny! I signed a few autographs, told them Jesus loved them and was then grabbed by a Deaf student and escorted back to their dorms. They seem very protected of our time with them. This group also LOVED getting their picture taken, doing any sort of pose or trick for us to take a picture.
Tuesday after a beach day with the team and shopping at the Sandugo Market I'll be heading back to BDA. The intense "mission" part of the trip will be concluding for me as I say goodbye to the team. I will now be focusing on the academic part while of course doing a little back door ministry on campus.
Prayer request: We found out tonight that one of the sponsorship coordinators was not allowed to come out to the school today to visit with us. She normally will come out and take pictures with the kids who are sponsored by us. However, she was told she is not allowed to go out to any schools were we are. The person who told her she couldn't come is a very influential woman in IDEA, a strong Catholic. The more fruit we have with the kids each year, the more that are saved and experience more freedom, the more resistance we have from her. Pray for me as I will be a constant body on this campus in the next four weeks. I know I will come against a few people working for IDEA whose faith do not follow Jesus. Pray I will be a light to them, and even a bigger light to these kids... for them to know the Truth.
I'll be praying for you!
Cailyn forwarded me your blog and I am so glad she did...sounds like you are busy as can be but happily doing the work the Lord has set before you. I am proud of you that you just filled in for that preaching time when the monsoon hit! We pray that the Lord will continue to open doors, give you protection, travel mercies, energy and the right words and signs to say. Thank you for your willing heart and obedience to Him. Those kids will never be the same...praise God! Love Marti Ann & Alton
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