Saturday, July 11, 2009

Wednesday, June 24 - Jagna

I too love Jagna Elementary! This school is fun because a long time friend, Frances, who graduated from BDA (Bohol Deaf Academy) years ago works in the Garden Cafe near the school. This cafe, like the other two on the island, is ran by IDEA and the Deaf. Frances is a waitress and I look forward to seeing her every year.

This school was another long drive - 2 hours, but as always, worth the trip. We did our normal routine but performed the dramas for the entire school. At the end of our visit, we ate lunch at the Garden Cafe and then said good bye to Frances. We headed home for a brief while, and then headed out after dinner. We were going to BDA to visit the Deaf! Every Wednesday night, my friend Mart (the Deaf pastor) and another friend Emisan lead a Bible study at the school. I was so excited to see Emisan as her and I became pretty close last year.

We arrived early and as the BDA students went off to eat dinner, our team followed Dennis Drake, the founder of IDEA, to a newly built building. IDEA has a few vocational businesses, like the Garden Cafe, that hires the Deaf as they graduate high school. The idea is that they will be trained in a vocation and eventually be able to go out in society with a highly trained skill. This building was built to house the expanding fly-tying business. This business has 22 workers that make very intricate flies for fly fishing. The flies are sold on the Internet through a Montana shop.

We had Bible study that night. Emisan led worship and preached, as I voice interpreted for the American team. I love Deaf worship! As usual, it was very hard to pry the team away, even a half an hour after we were supposed to leave. We just want to talk and talk with them! There hearts are so open and they are so genuine in receiving and giving love. Oh how I've missed them! On our bus ride back to the house, the American team was SO loud! They were telling each other stories of the Deaf they had met and how they communicated with them. It warmed my heart that they were excited to be with them.

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